Írta: Szakszervezetek.hu
Közzétéve: 2013. máj. 09. csütörtök, 11:17
On the establishment of a united trade union confederation, to serve the development of the interest defence of Hungarian workersKözzétéve: 2013. máj. 09. csütörtök, 11:17
We, the Autonomous Trade Union Confederation (ASZSZ), the National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions (MSZOSZ), the Forum for the Co-operation of Trade Unions (SZEF) and their member organisations – constituting an integral and decisive part of the Hungarian trade union movement – are on the opinion that the trade union structure, established in the end of the nineteen eighties and the beginning of the nineties fulfilled its historical mission and without reformation it is not any more capable to do effective workers’ interest representation and protection.
The colourful and rivalling union structure brought results in the first years, but later separation and hostility became characteristic instead of cooperation. This has always been utilized by the political parties and used for their own goals, making successful workers’ interest defence more difficult.
Governments, in cooperation with the owners and entrepreneurs have pursued a divisive and unilateral policy against the trade unions occasionally. Particularly since 2010 it has been particularly characteristic that ones are given exclusive preference over others and ones are being ignored.
We do have an answer: unification.
We will establish the unified trade union confederation in the interests and future of Hungarian workers, employees of private sector, of public utilities, of public service.
We want an alliance:
- Based on firmly committed basic values. These are: solidarity, equality, democracy, patriotism, Europeanism, rule of law, party neutrality.
- Adapting, pursuing an internal cooperation, which is a token of effective interest representation, while respect the freedom of organising and independence of member organisations and branch unions.
- Which ensure adequate training, efficient professional background and a visible presence at local, regional and international level for member unions and organised workers through the amalgamation of the financial and intellectual resources.
- Which is capable for coordinated representation of common interests at the dialogue forums and for successful and broad internal cooperation.
- Which is open and inclusive towards all trade unions and confederations, and is ready for trade union cooperation in the interests of workers.
- Which represents the different and changing interests of workers of all areas and workplaces, and creates solidarity between employees of the private and public sphere.
- Which is capable to represent the interests of the members and workers in accordance with the interests of the country, the society, the economy, and which can not be bypassed by the respective government or by the representatives of the economic power.
- Which is ready and capable to conclude mutually advantageous agreements with the government and the employers. We do not seek for combat, but undertake the fight if we have to stand up for the legitimate interests of those represented by us.
Budapest, 1 May 2013
Tamás Székely President ASZSZ |
Peter Pataky President MSZOSZ |
László Varga President SZEF |
During the coming months the three confederations consider their most important task the preparation of the documents necessary to the unification and making the necessary organisational decisions, according to the possibilities in such a way, that as of 2014 a trade union confederation can operate in Hungary, which serves the Hungarian society and the workers more successfully and efficiently.